Monday, January 17, 2011

M is for Mittens

We talked about the letter "M" this week!

Coloring & Handwriting: Matching the Kittens with their Mittens
& writing the letter Mm's

Dramatic Play:
Pretending we are Monkeys!
Tracing our hands & making MITTENS...
Quiet Ball: We worked on hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills
Story Time: 
We read the nursery rhyme "3 Little Kittens who Lost Their Mittens" & they each got their very own Mitten to take home!
Help your child think of things that begin with the letter M!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

L is for Ladybugs

Circle Time: Writing the letter Ll's on the chalkboard...

Coloring & Handwriting: Lollipops and uppercase & lowercase Ll practice...
Game: Pass the Lizard..."Hot Potato" style...
Class picture with our new friends...there are now 12 in our class...
Outdoor Activity: Throwing Leaves, which turned into attack Ms Staci with leaves;)

Music Time: Shaking Instruments to the beat...

Movement: "Follow the leader" while playing instruments...
Arts & Crafts: We painted Ladybugs RED with BLACK spots...
They all turned out so cute!!!