Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Fun!

Our adorable REINDEER working together, LISTENING to Santa's directions to STOP & GO...
We had fun making Candy Cane Ornaments for their tree. Working on patterns can be a tough skill at their age, but they all did a great job!

Music Time:
Singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer...with their freshly painted RED noses;)

Friday, December 10, 2010

K is for Kite & Key & Kangaroos!

Writing the letter K on the chalkboard...

Coloring: Kite worksheet & handwriting practice...
I purchased NEW pencils this week with GRIPPIES & they are really helping the kids hold their pencils. If you have these at home, work on handwriting with your children using a grippy...
Language & Literature:
Reading Books...
Music Time:
Fun with streamers...

Physical Fitness:
Kangaroo Races...

A quick class picture because we had a NEW FRIEND start this week! Welcome!
We drew a picture of our dream kite...

Hands on Activity:
We "flew" a dragon kite outside. It wasn't quite windy enough to actually fly, but the kids took turns running around the yard holding it up!

Hand eye coordination:
They had to throw a set of toy Keys into the target to move on to the next targe...

Similar to "Duck duck goose" but we had to hop like Kangaroos...
At Home Activity Idea:
Practice COLORS with your child this week! 
Everyone has been doing great at preschool, but every now and then someone will mix up brown and black or yellow and orange. Work on them with flashcards, or just ask your child what color certain objects are as you drive around in the car!

Friday, December 3, 2010

J is for Jump Rope

Counting our friends...
Practicing sounds when letters are combined..."aw" says "o" like in Awesome...

Watercoloring a Jump Rope picture...
It was "Baby Ry Ry's" Birthday, so we ate CUPCAKES as a class!
All the kids are SO SWEET to Ryler & make him feel part of the class:)
Jungle Animals

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

J is for Jungle

Music & Movement: 
Singing with Streamers!

Pass the Jungle Animal(Snake)
*Played like Hot Potato
Coloring & Handwriting:
Dog JUMPING for the frisbee!
Outdoor Play:
JUMPING over orange markers!

Modeling the jungle jewelry...& his muscles, of course!;)

Happy Thanksgiving!


After talking about the FIRST THANKSGIVING, we made PILGRIMS...

For Snack today we had a "Mini Thanksgiving Feast"...
Some kids LOVED it, some kids wouldn't taste it;) 
We had fun with our Thanksgiving Picnic!

We watched a clip of The Magic School Bus that talked about the reaction when you mix vinegar and baking soda. Then we decided to TRY IT & the kids loved what happened!
We colored a Thankful worksheet and talked about the things we are most thankful for!
Our cute PILGRIMS...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I is for Indians

Outdoor Play: 
Bubbles with the bubble gun! The kids loved popping the bubbles & then blowing them to try to keep them in the air!

The weather was so nice today, we enjoyed snack outside!
Arts & Crafts:
We decorate Indian Headbands with shapes & then it was time for Indian War Paint. 
Everyone chose their 2 favorite colors!
We watched a 5 minute cartoon on the "First Thanksgiving" and then talked about the Pilgrims coming to America and how the Indians helped them. 
We drew an Indian & food that we think might have been served at the 1st Thanksgiving...
Our adorable Indians!
I bet we can find some Pilgrims next week;)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

H is for Health & Hygiene


Circle Time:
We learned a new song about BRUSHING OUR TEETH!

Music Time: 
Hokey Pokey
We drew pictures of HEALTHY foods we can eat
Outdoor Play:
Horse Races
Language and Literature:
Handwriting and Coloring:
We drew pictures of our HOMES and practiced writing the letter Hh's.

Communication Skills:
Each child had the chance to stand in front of the class, show their picture of their house and tell the class their favorite things about their home.
Gross Motor Skills Activity: 
We played Hopscotch & had to Hop over the number where the marker landed
Building with Blocks and Legos
We talked a lot about Health and Hygiene today!
Thanks to Whiting Dental, each of your children got to take home a new toothbrush, toothpaste & floss!(they are amazing, if you are looking for a new Dentist!) Encourage your children to brush their teeth twice a day and to eat healthy! Talk to them about the things that they can do to stay healthy.