Writing the letter K on the chalkboard...
Coloring: Kite worksheet & handwriting practice...
I purchased NEW pencils this week with GRIPPIES & they are really helping the kids hold their pencils. If you have these at home, work on handwriting with your children using a grippy...
Language & Literature:
Reading Books...
Music Time:
Fun with streamers...
Physical Fitness:
Kangaroo Races...
A quick class picture because we had a NEW FRIEND start this week! Welcome!
We drew a picture of our dream kite...
Hands on Activity:
We "flew" a dragon kite outside. It wasn't quite windy enough to actually fly, but the kids took turns running around the yard holding it up!
Hand eye coordination:
They had to throw a set of toy Keys into the target to move on to the next targe...
Similar to "Duck duck goose" but we had to hop like Kangaroos...
At Home Activity Idea:
Practice COLORS with your child this week!
Everyone has been doing great at preschool, but every now and then someone will mix up brown and black or yellow and orange. Work on them with flashcards, or just ask your child what color certain objects are as you drive around in the car!