Monday, October 25, 2010

F is for Fall Leaves

Fall Leaf worksheet. They had to MATCH the leaves that looked alike & then color them!
We sang songs with Freddie the Friendly Fire Truck, a movie of fun-filled FIRE TRUCK SONGS!
We searched for leaves that had FALLEN off the trees during outdoor play & then brought them inside & traced them in our journals!

We enjoyed decorating our very own FALL leaf with GLITTER!

Cute boys during Singing Time!
10 little speckled FROGS...

We are nearly half way through the 1st semester of preschool and we have learned a lot and had a lot of fun! We will see you next week at our Halloween Carnival!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

F is for Flower

Language & Literature:
Solo reading time...they looked for the letter F or something that started with the letter F as they "read" through the books!
Snack Time!
Physical Education & Outdoor Play:
We had Frog Races!
We had a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION today! He brought brownies to share with the class & we sang to him!
We colored pictures of Flowers & practiced writing the letter Ff!

It is great to have everyone back after Fall Break!

Friday, October 8, 2010



We watched an Elephant Stampede on the computer!
We made our own elephants, and then cut out a hole, so we could put our arms through for the "trunks".
We were weighed and measured to see if we were bigger than an elephant.
Turns out, nobody was! ;)
We made our own Elephant Stampede & played fun games!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

E is for Elephant

Practicing writing Uppercase & Lowercase Ee's on the chalkboard...

 Coloring Elephants & more handwriting practice...

 "One Little Elephant Went Out to Play, 
On a Tightrope String One Day, 
He had such Enormous Fun, 
He called for another Elephant to come!
...Two Little Elephants went out to play..."

We added elephant after elephant until the whole class was walking on our "tightrope" while SINGING this song!

Music & Movement:

 Hokey Pokey!
 Story Time: 
We had a SPECIAL GUEST helping in preschool...a BIG 1st Grader! :)
She read to the kids for story time & they listened so well!
E is also for EGG, so we played Pass the Egg, a fun listening and movement activity!
At Home Activity: 
We learned that E can make TWO SOUNDS.
E as in EAT
and E as in Elephant
See if your children can remember the 2 sounds that E can make!